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Khalsi school

.The Khasi school educates children from disadvantaged and illiterate families in remote villages. It only works thanks to private donations. More...

Supporting school and its 170 students.

Ecole de khalsi au Ladakh

Mandoglu school

This school was financed by the association. It is supported by France Himalaya Tiers-monde which is in charge of it.


Supporting this school

Ecole de Mandoglu

Lamayuru school

.The Lamayuru school has been supported by the association for many years. The expansion of the building was carried out by the association, the manufacture of furniture (beds, furniture for the dormitories, etc.) To date, the installation of parquet flooring is underway.. More..

 Supporting Lamayuru

parquet lamayuru

Supporting Nepal

Nepal is a very poor Himalayan country, which is why the association regularly provides its help.

Supporting Nepal 

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Tibetan clinic

To enable the people of Agling in Ladakh to have access to medical care.


 Supporting this project

clinique tibétaine au Ladakh

Thinley, orphan

Thinley Otsal is an orphaned child taken in by the association in 2021. France Himalaya Tiers-monde takes care of her schooling, accommodation and food.

Supporting Thinley

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Hospice pour moines

Elderly monks are neglected by their families and by the monastery to which they belonged. A hospice in which they will find care and delicate attention is needed.
More details...

Supporting this project 

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