Origin of Construction
The right to education of children is a fundamental right and an important aspect of the progress, development and preservation of culture and language. The great decline in education is having a severe impact on the identity, culture and language of the Sham region of Ladakh. Ladakhi children isolated in the countryside, children from very poor families, orphans do not have the financial means to go to private or government schools which are chargeable. Thanks to a committee of a few Ladakhis, aware of the gravity of the situation, the Khalsi school was born. They decided to undertake the fundraising, following which, the land was offered to them, then slowly, the school was built. His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurated it in 2010 and gave it the name of "Lamdon Jamyang School". This completely private school, without any state aid, welcomes children from poor families and very isolated villages. Families that can have 700 rupees a month in tuition fees to pay.
This private school only operates thanks to donations from individuals. It is important because it has the particularity of educating the most disadvantaged children and the most isolated villages of Ladakh.
First of all, it opened with an enrollment of 32 students in November 2010 with 5 classes from CP to CE2. Today, the association has enabled the construction of 5 other classes, welcoming 175 pupils from kindergarten to college.
Two mini-buses were offered to them and made available for school transport.
The creation of a boarding school: Children from isolated villages must be able to go to school avoiding excessively long journeys (over an hour). This is why the association made it possible to build a boarding school that could house 40 children. This is insufficient, it would be necessary to be able to accommodate at least 80 children. We are counting on you to help us expand this boarding school.
How does the association help the school ?
Each year and this, since 2014, with what it collects, the association allows to exempt the monthly charges (700 rupees) of the poorest families, it has made it possible to finance the purchase of furniture for the classes and the construction of 5 additional classrooms as well as the boarding school.
This private school has regular costs such as teachers' salaries (€ 25,000 per year), school meals (€ 6,000), children's transport (€ 4,000), maintenance, the purchase of school materials such as uniforms, books ...
You want to participate in this great human adventure :

Khalsi - Khaltse School
Important project in Ladakh
Thank you for the students