Mandoglu school, indian himalaya
Mandoglu is a small village located in the Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh in India 40 km from Tsopadma or the Sacred Lake of Padmasambhava, 150 km from Daramasala where the Dalai Lama and his government-in-exile live. In 2005, at the request of the villagers, the President of the association France Himalaya Tiers-monde began the construction of a school.

The aim is to allow the safeguarding and dissemination of Tibetan culture, to educate children from poor families (primary and secondary school level), to welcome monks and lamas who pray daily for peace in the world and the happiness of human beings... In April 2014, it was inaugurated by His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche in the presence of indigenous people and donors. On March 1, 2015, the Central Buddhist Philosophic Sanskrit School opened its doors with its first 75 students, 12 teachers, a cook and a supervisor. Of the 75 students, 57 are boarders and 18 are day students. As the premises were inadequate, three classes were forced to teach outside. The school has an excellent reputation and there are 150 more students waiting for a place and are on the waiting list.
Time table at school : 5 h - 5 h 30 : sport - 6 h - 8 h : prayers, yoga, meditation in the main temple - 8 h à 8 h 30 : shower - 8 h30 à 9 h : breakfast - 9 h à 13 h : courses - 13 h à 13h45 : lunch - 14 h à16 h : courses - 16 h à 17 h : Free time- 17 h à 19 h : study - 19 h à 19 h 30 : dinner - 20 h à 21 h 30 : Learning - 22 h : sleeping time
- The expansion of the college is essential since many students cannot be enrolled each year due to lack of space.
- In the educational program, students are supposed to make cultural trips (to Daramsala, Ladakh, etc.) that they cannot do immediately due to lack of funds.
- The school is located in a humid region and the 4-storey building on an area of 600 m2, needs to be repainted and repaired inside and out. Cost: 10000 €
- The teachers are paid by the Indian state, only the three temple leaders and guardians are paid by the association. For this, an annual budget of €4000 is required.
- The purchase of uniforms (one for the summer, one for the winter) is regular as the children grow up. The monastery provides them with towels, soaps, shampoos, sheets, blankets, The budget spent each year for this is €2,500.
- Here is the summary of the expenses of the school and the monastery.
- The purchase and commissioning of an electric pump to replace the manual pump: Project financed and completed! Thank you to the donors!
- The façade of the building has been repainted.
- The third floor has been closed and walled up to limit the damage caused by moisture.
- Each year, the association finances an educational and pedagogical trip for all the students of the school.
- The last project is the construction of a kitchen for teachers.