Ecole de Mandoglu en Inde

Ecole de Mandoglu en Inde
About France Himalaya Tiers-monde association
Drubpon Tharchin Rinpoche, founder and president of the association, was born in the small remote village of Skindiang in Ladakh. He has experienced misery, poverty and knows deeply the suffering that the shortage of water, electricity, food, clothing and education can cause. He founded the association in 1992. The Ladakhis know him and regularly they call him when they need.
Education : our priority
Education: our priority After many projects to help the education of the poorest, to rehouse very poor people, to help with food and hygiene, Ladakh has evolved in recent years. There are fewer and fewer people in need, and we welcome that. The priority remains for us, education because schooling has a cost in India and Ladakh and incurs regular costs for families. Schools require a monthly membership from each child, supplies, summer uniform, winter uniform are the responsibility of the families, as well as meals and transportation. Most Ladakhi families have little income and are unable to afford their children's school fees.
Schools in Ladakh do not receive any state subsidies, they operate only on private donations. This is why, for several years, France Himalaya Tiers-monde has been helping the operation of the school "Lamdon Jamayang School of Khalsi" which almost closed for lack of funds. The choice fell on this school, which has a humanitarian policy aimed at educating children from poor, isolated villages and families, most of whom are illiterate and destitute.
Assistance with housing, education, medical care in the Himalayas The president's reputation in his country is undeniable and the locals do not hesitate to ask him in case of educational, medical, social, cultural or humanitarian needs. Since 1993, the association has been helping the Himalayan populations of Ladakh, Nepal, Tibet and India. In this Himalaya, Tibetan culture predominates. The aid is aimed at schools: Lamayuru, Mandoglu, Khalsi, Saboo but is concerned with rehousing precarious families, preserving the local culture, providing medical care to the most isolated and destitute.