Good morning Ladakh !
Ladakh is a country located in the Indian Himalayas on the border of China and Pakistan. When you arrive at the airport in Leh, the capital, you are already at an altitude of 3,500 meters. The river that flows through India and Ladakh is the Indus, which has its source in Tibet. Ladakh literally means "the land of high passes", indeed, we pass passes at more than 5,000 meters such as those of Karzungla and Changla. The climate in Ladakh is harsh, with temperatures minus 35 degrees in winter. It hardly ever rains and the aridity of this region makes harvesting difficult. More than 80% of the Ladakhi population is Tibetan Buddhist culture.
About us
It all started with the arrival of the Most Venerable Drubpön Tharchin Rinpoche in France. Originally from Ladakh. He knows very well the local population and the needs they may have. Rinpoche provides his help through the association France Himalaya Tiers-monde to many poor people by helping them to find housing, food, go to school. It also helps many structures such as schools (those of Khalsi, Mandoglu mainly...). He was also at the origin of the construction of the Mandoglu school. Founder of the association in 1992, his benevolence and generosity are no longer to be proven. In the past, there has been a great deal of aid provided to the people of Nepal, Ladakh, Tibet and India. Today, it continues to honour Indigenous requests for help, including:
- A Tibetan clinic is being built. The funds have not yet been raised, €25,000 is missing. See the project
- Rinpoche has been asked to build a hospice and will try to carry out the project if funds allow.
- Frequent power outages in Ladakh prompt Ladakhis to demand the installation of solar panels.
- Requests for rehousing, sponsorship to enable children from poor families to go to school, etc. In short, requests for help are pouring in on a regular basis.
Contact : francehimalaya@gmail.com